Title: Twin Reasoning
Series: Pool Boys #1
Author: Dee Avila
Release Date: October 6, 2014
Sloan Smith built a wall around his broken heart. After his ex-girlfriend crushed him, he threw himself into the only thing that mattered: his future.
Sloan’s life consisted of two things: the gym and sleep. The discipline it took to build his physique and push himself further than ever was worth it. Until his twin brother Sebastian presented him with a job, he couldn’t refuse. The money he would make with Divine Services would help him enter as many Body Building competitions as he could and help him reach his goal of being on stage in Vegas, sooner.
Katelynn Ashton, the only girl he cared about, couldn’t have chosen a worse time to admit her feelings for him. No matter how Sloan felt about her, he wouldn’t start a relationship with her while he was a Pool Boy.
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