Title: King Of Hearts (Deuces Wild Book 1)
Author: Irish Winters
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 24, 2016
Tucker Chase. FBI agent and tough-as-they-come ex-Navy SEAL, Tucker’s take-all-comers attitude attracts trouble on the job and off, but he still gets the hard jobs done. He makes no bones about being the baddest ass on the planet—until his ex-wife runs off to Vietnam with his only son. Until the woman he won’t admit to loving leaves on some humanitarian mission to who knows where.
Until he has to ask for help…
Melissa McCormack. Widow to one of America’s finest USMC war heroes, Melissa is everything Tucker isn’t. Sophisticated. Wealthy. Respected. Don’t forget celibate since Brady, the first love of her life, passed away. She wants Tucker as much as he wants her, but not if she ends up like that elite rifle he totes, the one he could field strip in his sleep without thought or care.
The one he takes for granted…
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“Oh, Tuck.” The tears spilled over. She chewed at her bottom lip, and his heart sank. She didn’t want to look at him. Why not? Because of Brady? Here it comes. Melissa was too smart to marry another military guy. She’d been through enough hell with the first. What made Tucker think she’d want to go through that again?
He gulped what was left of his pride and prepared for the letdown. Damn. It would be a long, lonely walk back to Hồ Chí Minh City to catch that red-eye flight if this woman scorned him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Felt like a Bradley tank.
About The Author
Irish Winters is an award-winning author who dabbles in poetry, grandchildren, and rarely (as in extremely rarely) the kitchen. More prone to be outdoors than in, she grew up the quintessential tomboy in rural Wisconsin, spent her teenage years in the Pacific Northwest, but calls the Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah home. For now. The wife of one handsome husband and mother of three perfect sons, Irish divides her time between writing at home, and traveling the country with her man while – writing. (Seriously, what else? She believes in making every day count for something, and follows the wise admonition of her mother to, “Look out the window and see something!”
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